We are dedicated to advancing economic self-sufficiency for our tribe and our people.

This business directory is to identify, and share Enterprise Businesses and Citizen-owned business profiles, and contact information.

Capitalizing on our diverse experience and expertise across a variety of business topics, we work to assist tribal citizens on their journey of Entrepreneurship and building their business.

We support tribal citizen-owned small businesses through providing an avenue for citizens to register for business licenses to conduct business on Tribal lands.

Market authentic and Alaska Native-made artwork, jewelry and/or products globally with the Certified Tribal Artist Certification.


  • Mendenhall Glacier Picture

    Vendor Tables Available at the Mendenhall Glacier

    In 2023, the Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (Tlingit & Haida) and the USDA Forest Service entered a co-stewardship agreement for the Mendenhall Glacier Recreation Area (MGRA). This collaboration has led to the inception of several fresh cultural interpretive initiatives, including the Cultural Ambassador program and the Tribal Artisan Spotlight Table. With close to one million annual visitors to the Mendenhall Glacier, this presents a unique chance for you to showcase your culture and artistic creations to a wide audience!

    Program will run from May 20th – September 30th

    No Vendor Table Fee

    Flexible Scheduling

    Submit your application for consideration

Stay tuned for new events in the future.